My Book, Organizational Economics... is Available Through Amazon and Other Book Sellers

Organizational Economics: The Formation of Wealth integrated the process concepts of Adam Smith in “The Wealth of Nations…” with concepts and ideas from the disciplines of geography (space), history (time), anthropology (culture and politics), and organizational control (leadership, governance, and policy management) to transform microeconomics and macroeconomics into a single theory.  It does this using a Systems Engineering/System Architecture/ Enterprise Architecture/process engineering approach to unify these concepts.  It demonstrates how organizations create value for their customers and themselves, and how exploitation of this value destroys the organizations.
Because the theory documented in this book is so wide ranging, it includes concepts from such authors as Adam Smith, Karl Marx, Arnold Toynbee, Stephen Covey, J. P. Womack and D. T. Jones, Jonathan Swift, Bruce Catton, R. R. Riech, W. J. Barber, Phil Crosby, Michael Hammer, Stephen Hawking, G. Hamel and C. Prahalad, Tom Clancy with General Fred Franks, Jr. (Ret.), N. Ferguson, Daniel J. Boorstin, T. Kuhn, Lao Tzu, T. G. Buchholz, Tom Peters, John Naisbitt, Charles Darwin, G. Landis, J. Diamond, N. Wade, John Campbell, and many others.
Organizational Economics is divided into four parts.   Part 1 briefing outlines the growth of economics and business architectural modeling from the time of Adam Smith to the current era and describes the current state of economic theory that provides several incomplete models, including the model of Capitalism.  Part 2 defines and delimits the functional components of the economic model of the organization that produces the same results as all of the current models.  It shows how this new model, based on the IDEF0 organization architectural pattern applies equally well to individuals, small organizations, large organization, and the global community.  Part 3 discusses the consequences of this organizational model when applied to the past and current environment. These consequences will include the development of a new model of history, a discussion of the various forms of religious and secular Utopias, and a model of law and government, all based on the organizational model of economics.  Part 4 will discuss Utopias and near Utopian organizations and how “government” works within organizational economics—completing the “Political Economics” discipline in which Adam Smith would feel (or almost feel) at home.